Frequently Asked Questions
What is streaming?
Simply put, streaming is using your internet connection and a streaming app to watch live tv or video on demand. No need to have an antenna or cable connection - just reasonably fast wifi.
How fast should my wifi speed be for best results?
Technically speaking, if you have at least 100 mbps speed, you should be able to stream without any issues. However, just like a sports car, the faster the better, lol!
Do I need a special device to stream your apps?
You do need to have either an Amazon Fire product or virtually any android tv streaming box.
Do you really have over 9,000 channels?
Yep, believe it or not!
How am I ever going to find what I want with so many channels available?
It's easy to set up the "Favorites" category and poplulate it with the channels you frequently view.
Can I hook up Legend to more than one TV?
You can load it on as many tvs as you wish - however, you can only watch more than one stream simultaneously if your plan includes additional streams.
Are any professional sports blacked out based on where I live?
Absolutely not! Every NFL game, every MLB game, NBA game, NHL game and even Soccer are available no matter where you live. We also include NFL's RedZone, MLB Strike Zone, WNBA games and more!
In Video On Demand, how recent are the movies that are available?
In some cases, the movies are still playing in theaters! We also have some old classics and you can filter by genre to scroll through some you might have missed.
Why are there so many streams when I search for a movie on VOD?
Since we are searching the world over to find the best and most flawless streams, you will often see 20, 30, 50 or even more choices. This is becasuse some will be in foreign languages, some might not play as well as others, so you have options. Simply press the back button and choose a diferent stream if you are having difficulties.
Back to TV, do you have my local broadcast networks?
Chances are, the answer is yes. We have 98 local ABC stations; 121 Fox stations; 132 CBS stations and 204 NBC stations. Most likely, yours is included.
How about Pay Per View events?
We have an entire category dedicated to PPV events and we try to notify all of our valued friends when a big or special event is coming up. We also have replays of most events!
Hey, I missed the game last night, am I out of luck?
Nope! We have a replay category for most of the sports categories!
Can I look for Netflix shows on Video On Demand?
Yep! Just use the "Featured Lists" Category and choose from the popular streaming services listed!
Always remember to exit the Legend Live Pro app when you are finished watching. From a full screen channel or program guide view, simply press and hold the back arrow button to bring up the Exit dialog box.
Troubleshooting Legend Live Pro
How to navigate in Legend Live Pro...
Once the app loads, you will be in the last channel/format viewed – either full screen or program guide. The program guide will take some time to completely load once you start the app – once loaded, it will take you back to the original channel you were on when you entered. From full screen, to enter the program guide, press the back arrow on your remote Once in guide mode, you can scroll down the list to see what is playing. Choose any channel by pressing enter on the channel – not the program. To change categories, while in program guide view, press and hold the left side of the outer ring. Scroll up or down to find the Category you wish to select and press enter. Press the right side of the outer ring to close the Category view. Select a channel by pressing enter on the channel – not the program. From Category view, press the back arrow twice to go back to full screen.
An alternate way of navigating...
From full screen, you can press the left side of the outer ring to bring up the category view. This view will also have a program guide for the category you are currently in. If you change a category, the program guide changes to the selected category. To peruse the category, press the right side of the outer ring. Scroll up and down to see available channels and get a summary of current program. Select a channel by pressing enter when you have one highlighted. From this view, press back arrow twice to go back to full screen.
To hide a category...
1. From full screen, press and hold the back arrow.
2. Select “Settings” from the list.
3. Scroll down to “Groups and Channels”
4. Select “Hide Groups” and scroll down to the Category wish to hide
5. Select it to hide the category. Use the back arrow to get back to full screen.
To set up your Favorites...
1. Enter the Program Guide from full screen by pressing the back arrow button.
2. While in a channel you wish to add, press and hold enter.
3. From the list that appears on the left side, “Add to Favorites” will be at the top - press enter.
4. A message will display indicating that the program has been added to your favorites.
5. Press the down arrow to move to the next channel you wish to add.
To change or re-arrange the order of your favorite channels...
1. From full screen, press and hold enter.
2. When the details populate on the right side of the screen, select “Settings”
3. From Settings, select “Change favorites positions”
4. This opens a list of your favorites. Using the outer ring, scroll down and over to either:
a. Move a channel up by pressing enter on the up arrow
b. Move a channel down by pressing enter on the down arrow
c. Remove a channel from your favorites list by pressing on the X 5. When you are done, use the outer ring to scroll up to the top and press enter on “Save and Back”
6. Press the back arrow to exit settings.
I'm experiencing buffering, what can I do?
Let's start at the beginning. using a browser on your phone or computer, go to and test your internet speed. Click here
If your speed is above 100 mbps, check to see how many devices are currently streaming or playing online games. The more things happening at once, the liklier buffering will occur.
It's always a good idea to re-start your Internet Modem and Router at least monthly.
Finally, go to the menu on your device and from settings, go to applications and select Legend Live Pro. From the list there, choose force stop. Next choose Clear Cache. You also want to restart your device and go back in. This typically solves the issue.
However, if you are still experiencing problems, your Internet Provider may be throttling your access. You can avoid this issue by using a Virtual Private Network (VPN). This will hide your online activity and solve the problem. Speak to your representative to inquire about the VPN we recommend.
What does the VPN actually do?
Think of a VPN as a covered bridge or tunnel for your data. It blocks your IP address, your identity and any data you send or receive online from prying eyes. Using a VPN makes you virtually untraceable because your IP is masked, so no one can pinpoint you. This includes your Internet Provider, thus making the risk of throttling much less.
Troubleshooting Video On Demand
How to Navigate...
Once you launch the app, you will be in the category you last viewed – either television or movies. Using the outer ring of the remote’s center button, you can move either across the top of the screen, or down to scroll through the displayed titles.
Changing Categories...
Using the outer ring of your remote’s center button, move left until the 3 horizontal lines are highlighted. This is in the upper left corner of the screen. If you were viewing titles, use the upper portion of the button to get to the top. Once the 3 horizontal lines are highlighted, press the center (enter) button to bring up the menu on the left of the screen. You can now choose between the available options:
Featured Lists
Simply use the outer ring to scroll up or down to your desired category. Once you find your choice, press the enter button to change to that category.
Changing Filters Within The Category...
Once you are in the category, you can change the filter to show various classifications of the category. Just to the right of the 3 horizontal lines, you will see the current filter. To change it, use the outer ring on the remote to highlight the down arrow next to the filter name. Press the enter button and scroll up and down to select your filter.
How To Watch A Television Program...
Once you select a program by highlighting the title and pressing enter, you will go into a page that shows the seasons of the program. If it is a new one, there will only be one season displayed. If there are multiple seasons, they will be listed from newest to oldest.
1. Using the outer ring of the remote, highlight which season you wish to view.
2. Once the season chosen displays, across the top you will see the episode numbers - for example in season 5, episodes will be numbered 5-1, 5-2, etc.
3. Choose your desired episode and use the down portion of the outer ring to highlight the play arrow in the center of the display.
4. Press the enter button and the app will begin searching for streams.
5. As it finds more streams, they will be displayed.
6. Yellow streams are premium ones with the best video quality.
7. Once all streams are displayed, choose the first one and press enter.
8. Your program will start playing – however, since the search engine scans world wide, some streams may be in foreign languages. In this event, simply press the back arrow to return to the list of streams and choose another one.
9. If you experience any buffering or substandard picture quality, again, back arrow to the list and choose another stream.
10. While playing a program, you can pause, rewind or fast forward by pressing the enter button and then using the outer ring to highlight the rewind, pause or fast forward symbols that are displayed.
11. When finished, simply press the back arrow twice to return to the season view.
To watch a movie...
Go to the 3 horizontal lines at the top left of the screen and press enter. From the list, choose Movies and you will be at the home page for Movies. Review the instructions for filters above to find movies in your desired genre.
1. Use the outer ring to scroll up and down the displayed titles.
2. Once you find your movie, highlight your selection and press the enter button.
3. The app will begin searching for streams, much like in the Television category.
4. The streams will be below the description and again, yellow ones are premium.
5. Select a stream and your movie will begin to play. *As noted in the Television instructions, the app is searching world wide and may provide some streams in foreign languages or with subtitles. In this event, press the back arrow to return to the streams list and choose another on. Also, on occasion, a stream may be to a different movie than you selected. This is a result of improper labeling of streams – again simply choose a different stream.
6. Once your movie concludes, you can press the back arrow twice to return to the home screen.
To make a television program or movie a favorite...
Should you wish to make a program or movie a favorite, simply use the outer ring to move up to the top navigation bar and highlight the heart icon. Press enter and it is now listed in your favorites category. *Forgot to make a title one of your favorites? Simply go to the 3 horizontal lines, press enter and select “History” – you will see the titles you have recently watched
To exit the Video On Demand app...
To exit, press the back button until the orange dialogue box appears asking if you wish to exit the app. Choose “Yes” and you will be back at your device home screen